This week's contest!! Win a free subscription to Gametap! (A 60 dollar value!)

You could win a free subscription to Gametap (over 1000's of games no purchase nesscessary once subscribed/won) within the next day! All you have to do is tell me about your website/blog and tell other people about me! That's all ! The first 2 people that tell me about there blogs and tell other people about my website win this amazing 60 dollar value! Also if you were wondering what Gametap is check it out HERE! Gametap offers free games within there amazing device once you subscribe! No scams or anything 100% legal! You could win this amazing 60 dollar value!!! Woo hoo!
Uploading video soon describing what Gametap is!
Having any problems? Tell me your problem by sending me an email [email protected] !

Entry forms here!