Welcome to the CS:S Maps page!

This page is dedicated to bringing you quality Counter Strike Source maps for your game. Maps can be used if you are playing against bots or if you are hosting a server and want some interesting and fun maps. The selection of maps will be labeled and will be quality so enjoy!
Need help in which you don't know where to put the maps?
Answer: Put all map files into   C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\username\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps
If that dosen't work read the readme file included in file!


Type of map: Fun
Fun with bots?: Yes YES YES!
Fun online?: Somewhat.
Ok so here's a small map and as the title suggests it's just one corridoor but thats what's so fun! You get the most intense battles with or without bots on this map! I found no problems with the map and it works perfectly with bots!! If you are fond of long rounds then you would probably not be to fond of this map but if you in rush and want to sneak in a couple of games of CS:S then I would reccomend this map!
Installation tip: Ignore the matrials folder.
Download here!